Authorial Shortcomings


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Hey, it’s Liz, and if you didn’t already know, I’m an author.

I love writing. It’s one of my favorite forms of creative expression, and I like to think I’m even good at it. When I was in sixth grade, I got random inspiration for my first novel, and I’ve been starting books based on random inspiration ever since. But I’ve officially hit a wall with a project.

During my freshman year, I was dealing with a crush on a friend of mine, and in order to sort some things out, I made a UA (universe alternate) version of our story. You may think I mean an AU (alternate universe) but you would be wrong. A UA is basically where everything is the same expect a key detail or two, which is enough to radically change the direction of the story. As it helped me sort out my feelings, it became something I really enjoyed writing. I got deeply involved with the story, and soon, I decided to put it out there for other people to read. This was Rosemary & Juliet, of course.

As that grew, I got a second burst of inspiration for a parallel story line in the same universe: The Genderfluid Club. This book had seven protagonists, all of whom identified as genderfluid, and they had a Club together. After Rose and Jules faked their death at the end of the book (like in Romeo and Juliet, but more efficiently), there was this whole murder investigation going down, all of which was touched on in this book instead.

Originally, I thought it would just end there, but then I got even more inspired. I had a brilliant idea for a trilogy on each side of the parallel plot, then one book at the end to bring it all together. From Rose and Jules’ perspective in Witness Protection to the seven growing their Club in Project Equality, I started thinking about their futures. It was like watching my children grow up and accomplish what they wanted to in their lives, you know?

Project Equality has been going wonderfully. I’m actually almost done writing it, though I still have over a month of uploads for it, and I think it’s the quickest I’ve ever written any book. It’s certainly on schedule to be finished before the end of August, which was the goal I set in the beginning of the year (which is absolutely insane, because I never meet deadlines that I set that far in advance). That’s not the problem area.

I cannot write Witness Protection. I don’t know why, I don’t know what my problem is, but every time I sit down to do it, I just can’t. You’d think that Rosemary and Juliet would be the easiest to write about because they were the two who started it all, but no, they’re more difficult. I’m not sure if it’s because their story line no longer serves its original purpose (helping me sort out my feelings) or if I just can’t handle calm, suburban life where my characters are meant to stay out of trouble, but I’m seriously struggling here.

I’ve only written five chapters of it since I started it in February, and they’re not even long or good chapters. This blog post might end up being longer than the average of those chapters, come to think of it. On the one hand, I feel like giving up. I can technically write the rest of the seven’s trilogy without going into detail about those two and still do just fine in the final book that ties it all together, and it wouldn’t really feel like anything was missing.

On the other hand, though, there are so many new characters that have the potential to make an impact on my audience. A reader of mine recently made me aware of the fact that my writing has helped some people on their path to self discovery, and I have a list of 20+ character who can continue to help me do that. That’s the whole thing that I love about writing, the whole reason I started posting my works out there, and I really don’t want to miss out on an opportunity.

Maybe I need to change my mindset about this whole thing. What began as a book to help myself figure things out has become a book series that’s been helping other people figure things out instead. That’s something I enjoy doing, it’s a story that I enjoy writing, and eventually, the inspiration will come. The source of my stress, of course, is that Witness Protection has the same general deadline as Project Equality, and I feel like I should be able to write them at the same relative speed. For whatever reason, though, I can’t.

It doesn’t help that when I go to play Sims 3 to take my mind off of things, my Sim is an author, and she writes like a book and a half every week (way to make me feel inadequate, Ce). I usually take three years just to write one. But, as I already said, I’m close to finishing Project Equality, which I started in February. Six months is record time for me, so I can’t be too hard on myself.

Anyways, both books should be updated tomorrow on Wattpad, so if any of this has caught your attention, maybe check it out? And I’ll see you Sunday for the next weekly outline.

Last Post

July 10-16 Outline


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Hey, it’s Liz, and I know that last week everything sort of collapsed, but the reason is that I was really sick, and needed to rest. This week, we’re back on schedule, everything according to plan, and here’s a general outline of what’s going on.

Monday (yesterday) brought a video to my YouTube channel about why I’m a bad friend (check it out). I also went on Pinterest for more summer related pins, which was from aesthetic to style to food. Also, my account is full of some bullet journal related stuff, which is fun.

Today did not bring a weekly vlog, simply because I didn’t vlog much while I was sick, but next week there will be one, so stay tuned to my vlog channel for that. As well as updating about the things going on here, I put a similar post on my Blogger.

Tomorrow, I will upload chapters of both of my books on Wattpad. I’ve been writing a lot in advance, so hopefully, I won’t fall behind on those anymore (though I have a lot of catching up to do on Witness Protection). They are definitely going to be completed by the end of August, so that’ll be fun. Also, I’ll be on Pinterest some more.

On Thursday, I’ll be back here with some sort of post about a topic to be determined.

Friday will bring more chapters and more Pinterest. Saturday and Sunday will bring updates about what is going on next week to this, Blogger, and my website (spoiler alert, but it’s going to be a fun one).

Twitter and Instagram will be updated periodically, with no real schedule on those.

So, if you want to keep up with that, then please do. I hope this week will be more productive, and by next week, everything will definitely be in order.

Last Post

July 2017


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Hey, it’s Liz, and it’s July. Whoa. Where does the time go? Anyways, I know that keeping up hasn’t been my strong point, but I’ve been on a bit of a roll from last week, so I’m hoping that somehow, it continues, and we have a successful month. First things first:

The Plan

Mondays will continue to bring videos to my YouTube channel, Tuesdays to bring weekly vlogs to my vlog channel. I will be on Pinterest every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. My weekly outlines will continue to be here, my newsletters to be on my Blogger. Blog posts will be here every Thursday, on Blogger every Tuesday. Wednesdays and Fridays will bring new chapters. My Wix website will be updated every Saturday. My Instagram (both main and fandom) will hopefully be updated daily, as well as my Twitter. High hopes, I’ll be getting into my DeviantArt on Thursdays.

Some Goals

I feel like of my two blogs, this is the bloggier one, so I’m just going to lay out some only tangentially related goals to my accounts. This month, I want to start bullet journaling. I’ve been seeing it all over Pinterest lately, and I’m officially intrigued. I want to start it. It seems like a great way to stay focused and such, and while this is more of an experiment than a commitment, I think it could be a helpful thing.

I also want to have a more regular sleep pattern. I’m the kind of person who has to wake up early if I’m going to accomplish anything, but then I also stay up super late squeezing in what I can. It’s not too big of a deal, because I know how my body works with its sleep cycle. I just need to know that going to bed an hour earlier than usual will cause my body to want to sleep in more (I don’t understand how that works, but if I’m in bed before midnight, I cannot wake up in the morning?).

I’ve been doing yoga every morning and night this week, and I feel amazing, so I want to keep doing that. It’s good for every aspect of your health, and there’s this great yoga channel on YouTube (called Yoga With Adriene, and you should 10/10 check it out because it’s amazing) that has so many good practices.

The last of these goals is to eat breakfast in the mornings. I’m really bad about this, which made sense when I was in my old school instead of home-schooled and it wasn’t summer, but now there’s really no excuse other than forgetting/being too lazy to make something. I had breakfast on Thursday morning, it was lovely, and I want to always have breakfast. It’s just nicer to my stomach.

All little things, but I will keep you updated so that someone’s holding me accountable. As for my account related goals, I just want to get back into my fandom Instagram, stay motivated the entire month, be forgiving of myself when I’m completely spent, continue my YouTube streak, and continue to build a community. From followers to readers to subscribers, the people who choose to pay attention to my existence are already so wonderful, and I hope the group can grow with time.

Weekly Outline

Tomorrow, I’ll be uploading a video at noon about the song “Wait For It” from Hamilton. It’s mostly about Aaron Burr as a person and the reasons that he may have had for always waiting. I will also continue on Pinterest with whatever ends up being pinned (I can’t really plan that).

On Tuesday, I will upload another weekly vlog! There will also be a blog post on my Blogger about Hamilton (similar to my video, but more). It’s also probably when I’ll get around to putting my video up on Tumblr.

Wednesday will, of course, bring a chapter of both Witness Protection and Project Equality, as well as more on Pinterest.

Thursday brings a blog post here about Hamilton as a musical. Basically, I want to talk about why it’s relevant and how it’s become so deeply rooted in pop culture. With high hopes, something might go up on my DeviantArt, or I’ll at least continue to develop it as a thing that exists.

On Friday, there will be more chapters and more Pinterest. Saturday will have a weekly newsletter on Blogger and updates to my Wix website, and Sunday will bring another weekly outline here.

The whole week, I will try to post Hamilton related things on my fandom Instagram, and whatever happens will happen with my main Instagram.

See you Thursday.

Last Month’s Outline
Last Week’s Outline
Last Post

Life Updates


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Hey, it’s Liz, and as promised, I’m here, on Thursday, with some updates about my life.

As someone who doesn’t leave the house very often, I lead an uncomfortably eventful life – not just online, but in the real world too. Despite being rather asocial, I always try to not let down all my friends as far as going out and doing stuff, which always leaves me feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck, emotionally. With family, I can’t really turn down spending time with them, going to dinners and baby showers, and while I love them, I have a really big family, which can also be exhausting. There are other parts of my life that involve draining relationships that I’m not yet in a position to get rid of, and thus, I have to endure the occasional phone call, and being ignored if I say something that they would disagree with.

The point being, at the end of these kinds of days, I just want to scroll through Instagram, re-watch my favorite YouTube videos, and then sleep. Usually, this isn’t so frequent that I can’t push through, but as spring turns to summer, school ends, and the warm weather comes, people for some reason just want to do a lot of things. This results in almost every day feeling like this.

I’ve found some ways to get around it. For example, writing blog posts and recording videos in advance so that I can have more time to chill on the days they’re due to be up. I write chapters in bulk so that if I’m ever uninspired, I’ll most likely have something to post on Wednesdays and Fridays. But when it’s always like this, there’s never time to relax. Sure, maybe take a Saturday for some blog posts, but there’s still a million things I have to do, which can be really stressful.

I don’t want my accounts to have to suffer because I’m busy, though. As small as my audience is on any platform, they (you) are my favorite people, because they’re who I’m sharing what I find important about life with. From people congratulating me on my soon-to-be baby girl cousin on Instagram because they saw it on my story to nice comments on my videos to every like that anything I post gets, that’s a little glimmer of hope. This is what I want to do with my life.

In less than a year, now, this will be my job. But I’m still working at it, working at how I’ll do it consistently. So for now, all I can do is my best, and apologize when it falls through.

Now, if you’ve gotten here, and you’re like, “Um, that’s great Liz, don’t really care,” then I’ll make a point that applies to everyone, in some way. Plans fall through, to-do lists aren’t always finished, and goals don’t get achieved instantly. But if you love what you do, be patient with yourself and hope others will be patient with you too, because eventually, you’ll figure it out.

See you on Sunday!

June 26-June 30, 2017


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Hey, it’s Liz, and I know I kind of fell off the face of the earth (again), so sorry, but I’m back with another weekly outline! Well, at least, from Monday-Friday, since I’ll keep July in July. I just want to get through the basics really quick, and then I’ll be on my way.

Monday brings a YouTube video where I (finally) do my house tour! While I do like uploading things at noon, I’ve got a feeling this one might be a little later, so if you are, like me, a hoe for house tours, then subscribe so you can be there for when that happens. I’ll also be on Pinterest, for my summertime, Fourth of July, and Pride Month boards (as well as whatever else I’m feeling). On my fandom Instagram, I’m going to do a few posts about the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter (since that’s on Monday), so that’ll be fun as well.

Tuesday brings another weekly vlog! I’ve been weekly vlogging for two months now, and I’m simply in love with it. Of course, lately they haven’t been getting as many likes/comments/views, so maybe show my vlog channel some love? Then on my Blogger, I’ll be putting a sort of “life update” post (though less in depth than what I’d put here).

Wednesday brings new chapters of Project Equality and Witness Protectionwhich I’m looking forward to. I’ve only kind of fallen behind on those, but do hope to finish them by the end of the summer. I will be pinning more things to my Pinterest as well.

Thursday brings a life update here, which will basically explain what’s been going on, what will be going on, and some vague goals that I have set for the rest of the summer/year (I’m thinking pretty far ahead). I’m going to try to get myself familiarized with DeviantArt, but I won’t be linking to that until I’ve actually built my profile and figured out the platform a bit more.

Finally, Friday will bring more chapters and more pins.

I’m pretty much always on Instagram and Twitter, so follow me there. On Saturday and Sunday, I’ll be posting my July plans/outlines. Yesterday I updated my Wix site, so maybe give that a look if you like (I update that every Saturday).

I’ll see you Thursday!


The Start of Summer


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I don’t know about you, but for me, school is officially over! It was a rough go those last few days, though, and I am spent. I slept until like ten yesterday, which is way later than usual, but I’m pretty sure my body needed that. Anyways, a day off from my socials was much needed, so this post is a day late, but I’m not too sorry. It was a bad day yesterday, I needed it for a break. And hey, that little anecdote takes us straight into the first thing:

Take care of yourself!

School is hella stressful, but you survived! It’s done now (at least until the fall). You need to take care of yourself, now. Sleep, eat, relax, do whatever it is that you need to do to recover. Find time for the things you couldn’t do during school, like reading, writing, watching anime, etc., and do those things. Treat yourself, because seriously, you deserve it.

For me, personally, that means sleeping in the first day or so, and then going back to waking up early so I can accomplish more in the days, but I’m just kind of nonstop that way lately. I like having posts like these written beforehand (but I haven’t quite reached having enough time for that yet).

Stay hydrated!

This is sort of obvious, since it’ll be hot and you’ll be sweating as well as your already existing need for water, but I still put it, because it’s so easy to forget to drink water. What I’m low key obsessed with right now is those infused waters you see on Pinterest in mason jars all the time. It’s such a fun way to drink water (because unless I’m dying in color guard, I really don’t have a thirst for plain old water), and also gives extra nutrients from whatever you’ve infused in it.


Right now, my go-to is raspberry, lemon and/or lime juice, and mint. It’s refreshing, summery, and just tastes really good. Another good combination is strawberry, cucumber, and mint, though. Really, mint with anything in water is pretty good.

And of course, have fun.

Whether that means reading a book or going out with friends, take time to enjoy the summer. Seriously. It’s supposed to be fun, for whatever reason, so make it be fun.

But enough of me mom-ing, let’s talk about some things!

For example, music. This playlist, called We Say Summer, on 8tracks, and it was how I started off my summer last year (along with some power cleaning, which is how I unwind). It is so good. Just, oh my god. I love it. It’s a bit on the punk? alternative? emo? I don’t know. Genres with music are so weird, I’ve never been good at it. Still, I found so many good songs on the playlist, am still head over heels in love with most of them, so it’s definitely worth giving a listen. It sounds like summer and sunshine, though not necessarily having summery, sunny, happy themes. Does that makes sense? It just has summery vibes, and that makes me happy.

Can I just talk for a second about maybe my favorite fashion trend? It’s that whole, wearing something short (shorts, skirt, dress) but then a long, flowy cardigan over it, and then sandal wedges, with long jewelry, long curly hair, all that. I’m sort of obsessed with it, which says a lot, because I’m usually not all with fashion. Then again, maybe that’s not even this year, but oh well, because it’s basically going to be my look every day. I guess it’s kind of boho, but not quite? You know?

For more on my summer faves and aesthetics, check out my Summertime Board on Pinterest, because it’s pretty, it’s fun, and it’ll be growing for the next like, three months.

Finally, some goals.

Summer is the perfect time to get a grip on the things you want to be doing, because it’s when you have time, so guess what: it’s when I’m getting a grip on what I want to be doing. The first two days haven’t been flawless, but yesterday was rubbish, so I’m not sorry for that. Still, there are over two months ahead of us, and I want to get on a schedule.

I want to be planned so far in advance that I can’t fall behind. I want to be putting out consistent, good content on all of my socials. I want to learn how to manage this internet career thing successfully. I want to grow a community of people who can be friends and who I can be friends with and to have a corner on the internet no matter how small.

Um, yeah. That’s all. Sorry for the speech there at the end, but I’m oddly passionate. No, not oddly. Never be apologetic for loving what you want to do with your life, because it means you’re going to be happy (haha what’s a backspace key, I only know hopeless rambles).

See you Sunday.


June 5-11 Outline


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Hey, it’s Liz, and I meant to post this yesterday, but alas, I was exhausted (it’s finals week, I feel like I could sleep until the end of school right now). That doesn’t mean I won’t post it, though, so let’s do it!

Today (Monday) comes bringing a video (which will be here at noon) about surviving finals. Actually, from this has sprung a sort of ‘series’ (but not a bunch of consecutive videos so much as occasional installments) about ‘How to Life’ (I’d have said high school, but I’ve only got one year left and there are other things to survive, you know?). I will also be building a finals board on Pinterest, with studying tips and such, so if you’re a Pinterest person, stay tuned for that!

Tomorrow, I will be posting on my Blogger similar content to what was in my video, but slightly more in depth, and with more little additions, like my favorite playlists, inspirational videos, and other stuff. I’m also going to hop on my Tumblr for the first time in like, a million years, because I should be on Tumblr more (weird goal, right? ah the life of a blogger). And of course, the newest weekly vlog will be on my vlog channel!

On Wednesday, you can anticipate new chapters of both Project Equality and Witness Protection on my Wattpad. It’s been rough getting back into writing them as I was so focused on The Genderfluid Club, but it’s starting to come together now. Sequels are hard sometimes, but I really want to get those out by the end of summer, and I’ll have so much more time to write now that school’s coming to an end. I will also be continuing on with my Pinterest board for finals, as well as the ones for Pride Month and Summer, because that’s what’s going on, my pals.

Thursday comes bringing a blog post to this very blog about summer – from ways to relax and refresh yourself before the next school year to fun things I want to try to do to some summery drinks, foods, and fashions that I’m high key pumped about. Also, I have some summer playlists and such that I’d love to show you guys, so stay tuned. I’m really excited about this season. I will also be tidying up my DeviantArt, which I really want to start using, but haven’t gotten the hang of yet (I’m rubbish with learning different socials), so who knows? I’ll at least be figuring that out, though no posts or anything are promised.

Friday brings more chapters and pins, like Wednesday, but instead of focusing on finals, I’ll be focusing on Summer and Pride Month (since I’ll be done with school). Hopefully I can get out a lot of chapters of WP on that day, though, because it’s the book that I’ve been struggling with the most and am finally getting the hang of. You know what? Maybe I’ll pin some writing tips, in case anyone else might need that too.

Saturday and Sunday are days for planning, mostly, from my Blogger newsletter posts to updating my Wix site to organizing my Pinterest boards to my Tumblr to posting outlines like this. I’ll be posting news for next week here and on Blogger, updating links and such on my Wix, and just generally organizing Pinterest and Tumblr (my Tumblr is always such a mess tbh).

I hope to see you guys in the week ahead, make sure to check out my Instagram and Twitter for random updates and posts, and I’ll see you on Thursday for my next blog post. And even if you’re not in high school, but say, college, I just want to say that finals are always going to be finals, and you might find some of the things helpful nonetheless. If anything, leave comments on my posts with your scholarly wisdom on passing finals.


PS: To anyone in the UK, I just want to say you’ve been in my thoughts and prayers this weekend, and I hope you’re all doing alright. One Love Manchester still happened last night, despite everything, and that’s just a reminder of how beautiful humanity can be in the face of a tragedy. I love you guys, hope you’re all well.

June 2017


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Hey, it’s Liz, and I know, I know, I know. I haven’t posted about anything in six months, since Christmas. But, I’ve been getting all my accounts in order lately, and as summer approaches, I want to start things off right. I want to properly do this. So let’s talk the month of June!

First things first, I’ve been uploading to my YouTube channel every Monday since some time in March (look at that fancy link-age), and plan on continuing to do so, so check that out. This month, to kick off summer, I’m doing a video about finals, what I’ve learned from being in an online high school, a house tour (I moved!), and John Green. I will continue what I started in May, doing weekly vlogs on my Vlog channel, because it’s been really fun (uploaded on Tuesdays). I might even upload occasional writing videos or whatever to my side channel, if I feel so inspired.

There’s going to be a lot of writing, so make sure you’re caught up with The Genderfluid Club, Rosemary & Juliet, Project Equalityand Witness Protection on my Wattpad, because the first is in the process of being edited, the second is completed, and the other two will be updated twice a week, every Wednesday and Friday. I’m pretty proud of what’s been going on there, so if you like reading, maybe grab a cup of tea and settle in with one of them? The order is R&J, TGC, then PE and WP can be read in either order because they’re both sequels of a sort (PE to TGC, WP to R&J), and happen at the same time.

Every Sunday, I will be posting a weekly update here, but if you want to look at something fancier and more in depth, then you can find that in my newsletter style posts here, with new posts every Saturday and on the first of every month. Every Thursday, I’ll post a more blog style post here, relating to the theme of the week.

I want to upload regularly, and if any of this is something you want to be part of, feel free to follow me on:

Instagram (main)
Instagram (fandom)

See you on Sunday for a look at the week ahead!

Flavored Hot Chocolate and Mint Brownies


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Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas!

I thought something appropriate to list here would be the instructions to some of the items I baked on my YouTube channel for today. Or, will. I will add both links as soon as they’re uploaded. The first will be for two flavored hot chocolate recipes, the other for a mint brownie recipe (from scratch). These are just some things I’ve learned how to make over the years, and thought I’d share them with all of you (though I’m sure alternate recipes could be found anywhere).

Hot Chocolate

Candy Cane Hot Chocolate – (serves 5)

What you’ll need:

  • 4 cups of your choice milk or milk substitute
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 5 oz white chocolate (can be done with milk or dark chocolate if preferred, though, I should think)
  • 3 oz peppermint candy melts
  • Whipped cream
  • A mini candy cane


Hot chocolate is pretty simple. Mix the milk, vanilla, chocolate, and candy melts over the stove at a relatively low heat until everything is melted together. Don’t let it reach a boil. Once everything’s mixed together, pour into mugs and top off with whipped cream and the candy cane. Finally, enjoy this amazing hot chocolate; seriously, I’m in love with it.

Spicy Hot Chocolate – (serves 1)

What you’ll need:

  • Desired amount of hot cocoa mix
  • Desired amount of cinnamon
  • Desired amount of chili powder
  • Whipped cream
  • A cinnamon stick


Mix hot cocoa powder into hot water or milk. Add in cinnamon and chili powder, and stir. My advice is to play the amount by taste so that it has the precise amount of spice you want it to. Top off with whipped cream, decorate with cinnamon and chili powder, and put in cinnamon stick.

Mint Brownies – (serves 12)

Brownies: What You’ll Need

  • 4 oz unsweetened baking chocolate
  • 2 sticks (1 cup) of butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 1 1/4 cup of flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder

Mint: What You’ll Need

  • 2 cups of powdered sugar
  • 4 Tbsp butter (softened, but not melted)
  • 1.5 Tbsp milk
  • 1.5 tsp peppermint extract
  • Green food coloring

Chocolate: What You’ll Need

  • 6 oz semi-sweet baking chocolate
  • 5 Tbsp butter


First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees (F). Then, start on the brownies. Melt the butter and unsweetened chocolate together in a medium saucepan on the stove, or in a microwave safe container. Stir constantly for about 5 minutes, then put in a large mixing bowl and let cool. After it’s cooled down, add in the rest of the ingredients, whisk until smooth. Personally, I prefer using a fork, though. Get a baking pan and line it with parchment paper, then pour in the brownie batter and put in the oven. Bake for about 35 minutes.

While it’s baking, work on the mint and chocolate parts. First, mix all of the ingredients for the mint frosting (I’d advise saving the food coloring for the end) until smooth. Put in the fridge for at least an hour.

When you start the chocolate topping is up to you. I personally do it right after the frosting, put that in the fridge as well, and then re-melt it when it’s time to put it on the brownies, but as it only takes about a minute in the microwave to make, you can do it whenever. All you do is put the butter and chocolate either in a medium sauce pan on the stove, or a microwave safe container.

Once the brownies are finished baking, let them cool completely. This is important so that the frosting doesn’t melt straight off of them. Then, once cooled, take out the frosting and spread onto the brownies, and top off with the chocolate. Cut as desired.